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Providing Errand Services to Vero Beach and the Surrounding Areas

Running errands can be time-consuming and sometimes difficult for the elderly. As a family caregiver, you have your own to-do lists to tackle and might not always be there to help your loved one with theirs.

A woman looks at a can of food, while shopping in a grocery store

FirstLight’s professional caregiving team can handle a variety of routine personal errands, including:

  • Trips to the grocery store
  • Dropping off/picking up dry cleaning
  • Going to the post office
  • Picking up prescriptions
  • Personal shopping
  • Walking the dog
  • Managing car repairs and general maintenance

We can take on some of the daily tasks that might become overwhelming for your loved ones, or provide transportation to help them to complete their own personal errands. Whatever the task, our caregivers help.


FirstLight Home Care is Honored to be Named a 2025 Employer of Choice!

We are proud to serve each and every one of you in and around Vero Beach.