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caregiver burden

Understanding Caregiver Burden and How to Prevent Burnout

From our Care Blog

Caregiving is not a one-size-fits-all experience. Each situation has its unique pressures and specific caregiver duties. A caregiver for an adult with schizophrenia can be different than someone taking care of a loved one with multiple physical problems. The burden may be equal but the areas of life affected might be very different. What is Caregiver Burden? Caregiver burden is used to describe the emotional, physical and financial toll experienced by family caregivers. Think of burden as being a load, pressure, an immense duty, and/or responsibility. For some caregivers, the burden of caregiving may encompass all the stressors listed above....

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living with dementia

Creating a Safe Space for Adults Living with Dementia

From our Care Blog

If your aging senior is living with dementia, Alzheimer's or other cognitive disorder, you know what a challenge it can be to make them feel safe and comfortable as these conditions can make understanding the world around them a difficult and confusing experience. In fact, your loved one may see the place they call home in a completely different way than you do. Fortunately, researchers have dug deep into what makes homes safe and more livable for those living with dementia. How do People with Dementia See the World? For people living with dementia, visual stimuli aren’t received in the...

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National Caregivers Day

Celebrating National Caregivers Day

From our Care Blog

National Caregivers Day is Friday, February 18. Although we regularly recognize our FirstLight caregivers, we make a special point of doing so on this special day. Dedicated home care, home health and hospice professionals selflessly care for others each and every day. They go above and beyond to help families and their loved ones live better lives by providing vital companion care and personal care services. The support they provide enables families to focus on their loved ones and it provides peace of mind. Caregivers will continue to make a big difference in the lives of others. There are simple...

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parenting an aging parent

Parenting an Aging Parent

From our Care Blog

As our society ages, the children of older parents are faced with the fact that they may have to care for Mom, Dad, or both as they enter their later years, which reverses the traditional parent/child roles each has known all or most of their lives. Caregivers often face other challenges when parenting an aging parent, such as having to step in and advise them when to take medication, when to purge expired food, or even when to take away the car keys. This role reversal is sometimes shocking to both the children and the parents and can result in...

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American Heart Month

February is American Heart Month

From our Care Blog

Healthy habits can lead to a healthy heart Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S.? American Heart Month is observed during February to raise awareness about the importance of a healthy heart and to encourage healthy habits that help reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, the first Friday in February is National Wear Red Day. On this day, people across the country don the color red to bring greater attention to heart disease. If we know the risks, we can all do what it takes to help protect our hearts. Be...

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Legacy List

FirstLight Home Care Proudly Supports Legacy List with Matt Paxton

From our Care Blog

The Series explores America’s rich, diverse legacy, one house and one family at a time. FirstLight Home Care is a proud supporter of Legacy List with Matt Paxton, an Emmy-nominated series about the precious memories attached to the hidden treasures inside our homes. Legacy List features families from across the country who are ready to downsize. The show explores the challenges between holding on to the past and embracing the future; it also stresses the importance of sharing family stories above keeping objects. Each episode follows one family’s emotional journey as Matt and his team help them sort through a...

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consider home care

When to Consider Home Care

From our Care Blog

If you traveled home for the holidays and spent some time with your elderly parents, you may have noticed they need a little extra assistance at home. Although it can often be difficult to know when your loved one is no longer able to live independently, there are some tell-tale signs. Perhaps their home isn’t as clean as it used to be. Or they have expired food in the fridge or pantry. Maybe their personal hygiene has gone by the wayside. Or they have some new dents and scratches on their car. We’ve collected a few of our most-read blog...

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facing caregiver burnout

Are You Facing Caregiver Burnout?

From our Care Blog

It’s well-documented that caregivers often suffer from emotional and physical health problems because of their overwhelming caregiving duties. According to the Mayo Clinic, caregiver stress is common. In fact, one in three American adults cares for a family member, and this figure is sure to rise. As a caregiver, you might not realize you're facing caregiver burnout, but friends and family are often the first ones to notice that your behavior is different. Luckily, these folks can be your greatest supporters during the caregiving journey. Here are three factors that may indicate you're facing caregiver burnout. You have a short...

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FirstLight Home Care - For Caregivers, Laughter is the Best Medicine

For Caregivers, Laughter is the Best Medicine

From our Care Blog

It’s no secret that caring for an aging family member can be a very stressful role. But that doesn’t mean that caregivers – and their loved ones – can’t spend a few moments of the day finding the humor in life. For caregivers, laughing can be a lifesaver. According to research by the Mayo Clinic, data suggests that laughter really is some of the best medicine out there. In the short term, laughter: Enhances your oxygen intake, which stimulates the heart, lungs and muscles Increases the production of endorphins, which helps relieve stress Soothes tensions by stimulating circulation and muscle...

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