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caregiver traits

Looking for Caregiver Jobs? Do You Have the Traits of a Great Caregiver?

From our Care Blog

Are you nurturing and hard-working with a generous heart for others? You might have what it takes to be successful in a caregiver job. As a caregiver, you’ll be helping many different people. For instance, seniors who want to age in place often have caregivers come into their homes to assist with daily tasks. Other individuals who often need the help of a caregiver include those with disabilities, dementia, chronic illnesses or who are recovering after surgery. 6 Traits of Great Caregivers If you’re a natural caregiver at heart and want to turn it into a career opportunity, what traits...

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sleep apnea and alzheimer's

Understanding Sleep Apnea and Alzheimer's Disease

From our Care Blog

June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month Did you know that people who have sleep apnea in mid-life are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as they get older? If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s, you’re probably aware that there is a connection. However, you might not understand why. With Alzheimer’s Awareness & Brain Awareness Month in June, it’s a good time to discuss this common issue, why it occurs, and ways caregivers can help. The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Alzheimer’s Disease  Medical experts have known for a long time that there is a strong connection between Alzheimer’s and...

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FirstLight Home Care - Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day!

From our Care Blog

This weekend, we honor the men and women who have died while serving in the military. We reflect on their service, and we are grateful for the freedom we have today because of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend with your loved ones!

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mental health in older adults

National Senior Health & Fitness Day: Stay Active at Any Age

From our Care Blog

For many older adults, the past year has been a difficult one filled with social isolation and loneliness. It’s led to a more sedentary lifestyle and less time exercising, especially if their previous schedule involved going to a gym or working with a trainer. This, in turn, has triggered an overall decline in senior health, particularly in the areas of anxiety and depression. Exercise can be the key to healthy aging, especially during pandemic times. Beyond improving mental health, exercise is important when it comes to strengthening the immune system and lowering risks for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and issues...

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personal care

Understanding Our Services: Personal Care

From our Care Blog

Do you have a loved one with physical challenges or a chronic condition? Personal care can help with daily activities, like bathing, dressing, eating and getting ready for bed. At FirstLight® Home Care, we always provide these services with the utmost care and respect, ensuring your loved one’s dignity and comfort are maintained. We want to keep our clients looking and feeling their best and can achieve this in many ways, including help with: Getting Ready for the Day If your loved one has trouble bathing or dressing, it can be awkward for you both when you try to help....

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hiring caregivers

Careers in Aging: Now Hiring Caregivers, CNAs, RNs

From our Care Blog

Recently we recognized Careers in Aging Week (CIAW) with the hope of bringing greater awareness and visibility to the wide-ranging career opportunities in this field. With the recent global pandemic and an aging population in our country, the need for senior caregivers has never been more apparent. If you’re a caregiver at heart, you can create a rewarding career at FirstLight® Home Care. We’re hiring caregivers! Here’s what you need to know about working for our team. About FirstLight Home Care FirstLight provides a range of home care services to adults, including the elderly, disabled, those recovering from injury or...

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mother's day

6 Ideas for Celebrating Mother's Day

From our Care Blog

Last year’s Mother’s Day was certainly untraditional. This year, with more of us receiving COVID-19 vaccinations, there’s more freedom to spend time together. It’s great news considering the importance of this special day. If you haven’t been able to spend much time with your mother – or another relative that’s like a mom to you – due to the pandemic, you want to make this year even more memorable. While everyone still needs to be careful, especially if a family member is vulnerable, there are many ways to celebrate. Here are six ideas for making Mother’s Day in 2021 a...

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caregiver jobs

Looking for a Caregiver Job? Does Company Culture Matter?

From our Care Blog

There’s a shortage of healthcare workers in this country across many areas, including in the home care field. That means if you’re looking for a caregiver job, your skills are definitely in demand. However, not all home care companies are created equal. When you’re looking for a job as a caregiver, it’s important to not only assess the duties and responsibilities you’ll be handling, but also the culture of the company. What is Culture & Why is It Important? Culture is akin to a home care company’s unique personality. It includes factors like mission, vision and values. It also includes...

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travel companion

Understanding Our Services: Travel Companions

From our Care Blog

For many older adults, their senior years offer time to travel and explore the world. Likewise, they finally have the flexibility to visit children and grandchildren in different locations. However, if they have issues with mobility, a chronic illness or disability, it can spoil their travel plans. That’s where travel companions can help. Whether your spouse just had surgery or needs oxygen, your parent is elderly and in a wheelchair, or your loved one has physical limitations, you can still travel together. In fact, at FirstLight® Home Care, we can provide travel companion services throughout your whole journey. We’ll be...

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in-home care

How to Find In-Home Care You Can Trust

From our Care Blog

Is a loved one having trouble with dressing, bathing or mobility on their own, or are they missing doctor’s appointments? These are red flags that it’s time to consider in-home care. If in-home care is something you want to explore, you need to find a company you can trust. This certainly takes time and effort. However, it will be well worth it when you have access to experienced and compassionate caregivers who will treat your loved one like family. The caregiver(s) you choose will also meet your loved one’s practical needs, whether it’s with meal preparation, mobility, housekeeping or in...

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