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FirstLight Home Care - We ?? You: Control Your Blood Pressure

We ?? You: Control Your Blood Pressure

From our Care Blog

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DCD) along with Million Hearts have put together a national effort to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes in the United State by 2017. They will achieve this goal by increasing awareness of your blood pressure. They want you to get it in control and to do so, you need to make it your goal. Currently 67 million Americans have high blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are 4 times more likely to die from a stroke and 3 times more likely to die from heart disease, compared to those with...

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FirstLight Home Care - We’ve Got Our Eyes On You: National Eye Care Month

We’ve Got Our Eyes On You: National Eye Care Month

From our Care Blog

January is National Eye Care Month. It is also National Glaucoma Awareness Month. This means it’s time to schedule your annual eye exam. It is important, at any age, to have your eyes checked. We asked our own Nurse Gina why it’s important and she gave us these reasons. Early Detection: Your eyesight can change in a year so seeing your Ophthalmologist each year will allow you to find out if there are any deformities early on in their development. Addressing eye health issues before they become more severe is a good thing and early treatment will minimize damage to...

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FirstLight Home Care - Embracing Old Man Winter

Embracing Old Man Winter

From our Care Blog

The last few leaves on your tree are about to fall. Gray skies have taken over. Winter is approaching fast. Unless you plan on heading south for the next 5 months to avoid the cold, you need to get prepared. Winter can be a challenge, so you need to find the bright side. We’ve put together a list of things you can do to embrace old man winter and make the most of it. Make a bird/squirrel feeder. Snow, frozen ground, and lack of vegetation makes it hard for wildlife to find food. Make simple feeders out of peanut butter...

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FirstLight Home Care - How To Enjoy The Holidays

How To Enjoy The Holidays

From our Care Blog

For many, the holidays are stressful times. Parties, holiday shopping, family gatherings, too much food, over spending…too many obligations and no time for relaxation. This isn’t how you want it to be, but yet every year it is. This year make a declaration to yourself to make it different. Today is the day to get that plan in place and make it a season of peace, joy, and celebration. Define what is most important to you. If it means more time with family, great. If it means something spiritual, super. If it means something else, fantastic. It’s whatever you want...

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FirstLight Home Care - To Grandmother's House You Go! Are You Ready For Winter Driving?

To Grandmother's House You Go! Are You Ready For Winter Driving?

From our Care Blog

Driving during the winter months can be treacherous. Cold weather, ice, snow, and limited daylight hours can make a simple trip across town a long and exhausting journey. You need to be prepared. Here are some helpful tips to help you get your car ready for winter travel: Make your own or purchase a pre-made car weather safety kit. This kit should include: first-aid kit, jumper (booster) cables, tow ropes, cat litter (or something to gain traction under your tires if stuck somewhere slippery), a windshield scraper, candle, and matches. Check your tires well before the winter season begins. Be...

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FirstLight Home Care - Why We Love Selfie Sticks

Why We Love Selfie Sticks

From our Care Blog

If you love to capture the moment (with you in the picture, no doubt) you just flip your camera around on your phone and snap away. But in all honesty, that is so old school. Now we want to not only capture ourselves in the moment, but we also want to include family, friends, groups of random strangers, and the scenery behind you. You need a selfie stick. We love them. The selfie stick removes that awkward pose when you raise your arm or your shoulder hunches up. Not sure if a selfie stick is right for you? Here are...

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FirstLight Home Care - Great American Smokeout®

Great American Smokeout®

From our Care Blog

If you are a smoker or you know, live, or care for someone that is, November 19th is a day you’ll want to lose the habit and become victorious over tobacco. The American Cancer Society Great American Smokeout® is November 19th and it’s your chance to triumph over this addiction. About 42 million Americans still smoke cigarettes, and tobacco use remains the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States. As of 2014, there were also 12.4 million cigar smokers in the US, and over 2.3 million who smoke tobacco in pipes — other dangerous...

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FirstLight Home Care - Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes Awareness Month

From our Care Blog

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. Diabetes is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the United States. Nearly 30 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes. Another 86 million Americans have prediabetes and are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the total national cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is $245 billion. Staggering! If you are overweight, have high blood pressure, or are age 45 or older, you are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The good news is that making healthy changes...

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Featured image for post Staying Healthy: Why Do Some People Get Sick and Other's Don't?

Staying Healthy: Why Do Some People Get Sick and Other's Don't?

From our Care Blog

Why is it that some people get sick and others don't? Why do some people get the cold and flu each year despite the fact they get all the right shots and vaccinations? What can we do to stay out of the doctor's office each year? How To Stay Healthy As flu season is upon us, I decided to consult the experts at WebMD. What are the characteristics of people who get sick less often? What can you do to stay healthy? Keep your stress at lower levels so it does not weaken your immune system. Enjoy sex on a...

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Featured image for post Benefits of Walking: Walk Your Way To a Better You

Benefits of Walking: Walk Your Way To a Better You

From our Care Blog

I have long ago passed the point in my life where I can jog. Two ACL surgeries have left my arthritic knees unable to take the impact. I don’t live anywhere near a swimming pool and I am too hyperactive to do yoga. Spin classes give me a headache just thinking about it. And because I am a work-a-holic who works out of my house, I need to get out and about for my own sanity and the sanity of my family. I have a million excuses NOT to exercise. “I’m too busy” is my favorite. “It’s too hot outside”...

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