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FirstLight Home Care - Activities for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s or Dementia

Activities for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s or Dementia

From our Care Blog

November is National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month. When spending time with seniors who have Alzheimer’s or dementia, it is important consider what they enjoyed doing before they began to lose their memory. Find an activity that makes them feel purposeful—they may not remember what they did that day but they will remember how they felt doing it. Go through photo albums. This is a fun activity for people with memory challenges and you might hear a story you’ve never heard before. Seeing the old pictures takes them back to a time that they can remember—the memories are still there and...

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Featured image for post Missing The Crazy Christmas Lady

Missing The Crazy Christmas Lady

From our Care Blog

The other day my daughter asked me to watch “The Grinch That Stole Christmas” with Jim Carrey. It was the first snow of the year, and it seemed like a fun thing to do, even though it was way ahead of the holidays. It’s a fun movie with a heartfelt message. When the movie ended, I started to cry. Not little sniffles, but heaving sobs. When my daughter asked me why, I explained that it was the first holiday season without my Mom. These “milestone” moments are always hard, particularly the first year.  We liked to make fun of her...

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FirstLight Home Care - FirstLight Client Celebrates 105th Birthday in the House He Built by Hand

FirstLight Client Celebrates 105th Birthday in the House He Built by Hand

From our Care Blog

Most people would consider living to your mid-90’s an accomplishment by itself, but what if you heard that a man just turned 105 years old, and is still living in the house that he built 65 years ago? Well that actually happened last month when FirstLight client Bill Mohr, a World War II veteran of Hatboro, Pennsylvania, celebrated his 105th birthday with his wife, Jo, and the rest of their family. That same day, he and Jo shared their 70th wedding anniversary and he also received an honorary high school diploma from St. Joseph Preparatory School. He received a full...

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Featured image for post Who Should Get The Flu Vaccine

Who Should Get The Flu Vaccine

From our Care Blog

The flu is nasty! No one likes the chills, vomiting or fever associated with the illness. Although the thought of getting a shot is not pleasant, the effect of not getting the shot is even worse! The flu can cause moderate symptoms, but in many seniors, it can be fatal. Here Nurse Gina with FirstLight Home Care answers the most common questions about the flu and how to protect both you and your family against this all too common illness. Who Should Receive the Vaccine? First, all children aged 6 months and older should be vaccinated annually, with rare exceptions,...

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Featured image for post Should Americans Be Legally Obligated To Visit Their Aging Parents?

Should Americans Be Legally Obligated To Visit Their Aging Parents?

From our Care Blog

China recently passed the “Elderly Rights Law” legally obligating children to visit their parents who are 60 years and older “frequently” and provide for their “financial and spiritual needs.” Failure to comply with this law can result in fines, lawsuits or jail time. Although there is no time limit on how often a child must visit his aging parents, the law was in response to the growing number of elderly neglected by their children. “I hope this type of legislation will never be necessary in the United States now or the future,” says Jeff Bevis, CEO of FirstLight Home Care,...

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Featured image for post Coping With The Death Of Your Mother

Coping With The Death Of Your Mother

From our Care Blog

By Cindy Smith, Adult Daughter My Mother was 82-years-old and had been given Last Rites three times. She had been sick for 10 years, and her death had not been unexpected. But when the finality comes, it leaves a gaping abyss that is difficult to fill. It is true that death is harder on those left behind. I was a long distance caregiver for eight years and we used to talk on the phone for an hour every day (thank goodness they don’t charge by the minute for long distance calls anymore). She would give me advice on my kids,...

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FirstLight Home Care - Always Be Prepared: What To Do When A Natural Disaster Strikes

Always Be Prepared: What To Do When A Natural Disaster Strikes

From our Care Blog

Did you know that September is National Preparedness Month? Being prepared for any type of emergency or natural disaster is important for everyone, but is especially important for seniors. Because each senior’s needs are different, it is essential that each individual have a unique emergency plan that fits all of your needs. If an emergency or disaster occurred today, would you be ready? So, how can you prepare your loved one for an emergency? 1. Make an emergency kit This kit should contain basic essentials like food, water, a flashlight, a battery-powered or hand crank radio and a first aid...

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FirstLight Home Care - Helping Seniors De-Clutter

Helping Seniors De-Clutter

From our Care Blog

Moving is hard under the best of circumstances. Moving your aging parents to an assisted living facility or retirement home takes on a whole new level of stress, because what you call “junk” are their prized possessions! Even downsizing to a smaller home can be traumatic. After living in one home for a long time, your senior parents have cupboards, closets and storage spaces overflowing. It can even look like a bad episode of Hoarders. Most of the heavy lifting and packing will fall to you unless you hire a small move specialist. The hardest part of the move is...

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FirstLight Home Care - How Can I Age Healthier?

How Can I Age Healthier?

From our Care Blog

It’s September. That means that this month is Healthy Aging Month, designed to help promote the positive aspects of growing older. Healthy Aging Month encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own physical, mental, social and financial health. Health is extremely important at any stage in life, but becomes even more essential as you begin to age. So, what can you do to take advantage of Healthy Aging Month? Head back to school. You are never done learning and, what better way to improve your mental health than expanding your knowledge? Take courses at a local college or university; you...

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Featured image for post Should Healthcare Cover Extended Families?

Should Healthcare Cover Extended Families?

From our Care Blog

With so much debate going on right now over Obamacare and extending health insurance benefits to same sex couples, it raises the question: when are healthcare benefits going to be offered to extended families? “With so many parents living with their children in their senior years, the idea of a ‘nuclear family’ has changed with many generations living under one roof,” says Jeff Bevis, CEO of FirstLight Home Care. “In the future, I hope we will see employers of the ‘sandwich generation’ extending healthcare benefits to more than just spouses and children.” Right now the only option for adult son...

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