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Traveling With Seniors

From our Care Blog

A few weeks ago my 80-plus year old parents told us “kids” that they were going to take a trip to see my mom’s sister in Seattle and that they are going to be staying with her for a few weeks. This would require a plane ride with a change of planes in Denver (unfortunately no direct flights from here), a car rental scenario, and a group of adult children worried for the safety and wellbeing of them. They are taking this trip next month, so we’ve been helping them get ready and organized to go on their vacation. This...

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FirstLight Home Care - The Perfect Gift For Father's Day

The Perfect Gift For Father's Day

From our Care Blog

It’s that time of year when sons and daughters flock to buy Hallmark cards for their dad and try and find the perfect gift. Maybe you’re thinking about a shirt, but that will probably just add to the unworn selection already in his closet. Or maybe you’re considering golf balls, because you know how many he loses in his zest to lower his handicap. You're probably thinking "if he wants something he goes and buys it" or "he has everything he needs". Do you remember what you got your Dad for Father’s day last year? Chances are he doesn’t either....

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FirstLight Home Care - Dementia: Couples and Money

Dementia: Couples and Money

From our Care Blog

Alzheimer’s is a debilitating illness that afflicts millions of Americans. As the population of seniors continues to grow, so too will the numbers of people with one of the seven types of dementia.  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 5.2 million American currently have the illness, which is 11% of people ages 65 and older.  There is an additional 200,000 people who have younger-onset dementia. The numbers get scarier as the age increases. One third of the population ages 85 and older have Alzheimer’s disease. There are many facets of the illness families have to cope with, but here...

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FirstLight Home Care - FirstLight Home Care Semi-Annual National Conference Recap

FirstLight Home Care Semi-Annual National Conference Recap

From our Care Blog

[caption id="attachment_1827" align="alignleft" width="150"] FirstLight Home Care Conference 2014[/caption] FirstLight Home Care just wrapped up our 8th semi-annual conference, #FLHC2014, in the bold, beautiful, Broomfield, Colorado. We’re proud to announce that this conference was our biggest conference and most-well attended in FirstLight Home Care history to date! Our owners eagerly arrived in anticipation of the conference’s itinerary and events. For this conference, we wanted to specifically focus on a few items; owner and/or manager networking, and it’s value, which we emphasized with extra, devoted time to allow our owners and managers to network with other managers and owners, sponsors, vendors,...

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FirstLight Home Care - Home Health Care Versus Nursing Home Care: Pros and Cons

Home Health Care Versus Nursing Home Care: Pros and Cons

From our Care Blog

Many of our aging parents want to live on their own. According to AARP, more than 95% of seniors want to stay in their home as long as possible, even if they need help with day-to-day activities. After all, home is comfortable and familiar and they are surrounded by memories and circumstances that make them feel safe. There is no magical age when a senior may need help. There are many 90-year-olds who live at home and need very little help. On the other hand, there are 60 and 70-year olds who find their ability to live independently waning. It’s...

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FirstLight Home Care - Multiple Generations Under One Roof

Multiple Generations Under One Roof

From our Care Blog

When my dad was alive, he used to say “18 and out.” In his mind, he paid for our college and after that it was time to fly on our own. It was an expectation I never tested. In the 30+ years since I left college, I went home for visits but never to live. We took pride in being self-sufficient and “making it on our own.” Now, my 25-year-old son still lives with me. He has a part-time job making $9.25/hour and pays for his own car insurance, health insurance and gas. That’s about all he can afford. I...

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FirstLight Home Care - FirstLight Home Care Prevents Caregiver Burnout

FirstLight Home Care Prevents Caregiver Burnout

From our Care Blog

If you are a family caregiver for a loved one, you know it can take an emotional, financial and physical toll on your own well being. Chances are you have a job, a family of your own, and are trying to juggle it all. You become your last priority. The end result? Caregiver burnout and exhaustion. Don’t people realize you are only one person and you can only accomplish so much? No. What Are Some Symptoms of Caregiver Burnout? Although caring for a loved one can be rewarding, it can also be extremely stressful. You may not see any light...

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FirstLight Home Care - Seniors: Walk Your Way to Health

Seniors: Walk Your Way to Health

From our Care Blog

We all know we should exercise, but we have a million excuses why we don’t. There’s not enough time. Your aches and pains prevent it. The weather outside doesn’t permit it. It’s important to get moving and stay moving no matter how old you are. However, did you know that to burn off one plain M&M candy, a person would need to walk the entire length of a football field? That inactivity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., second only to tobacco use? Walking is the most popular form of exercise in the United States....

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FirstLight Home Care - FirstLight Home Care Celebrates Parkinson Awareness Month

FirstLight Home Care Celebrates Parkinson Awareness Month

From our Care Blog

Muhammed Ali who floated like a butterfly in the boxing ring gave a face to the disease. Did he give up? No. He lit the Olympic Torch in 1996. Michael J Fox battles it too, yet he has his own successful sitcom and has raised more than $450 million in research to bring about a cure. These are just two people among the 1.5 million Americans who battle Parkinson’s disease yet lead rich and fulfilling lives. April Is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time to educate people about this illness and the many misconceptions that surround it. It’s also time to...

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FirstLight Home Care - Want To Feel Older Instead of Younger?

Want To Feel Older Instead of Younger?

From our Care Blog

Without a doubt, our society is obsessed with being younger. More than $114 billion will be spent on anti-aging products by 2015. We’re always after the “fountain of youth”, a way to turn back the clock and eradicate the wrinkles on our face and maintain our youthful vigor. I remember when I was young and my Mom was 50. I thought that was ancient! Now that I am in my 50s, even 80 seems young. Your perspective totally changes. When my kids call me an “old lady”, I am offended by the reference. Wonder why our aging parents are always...

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