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FirstLight Achieves Accreditation with ACHC

FirstLight Home Care of Glen Rock, New Jersey, proudly announces it has achieved accreditation through Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) for the services of Private Duty Caregiver aids for your loved ones in the homes. Accreditation is a process through which healthcare organizations demonstrate compliance with national standards. Accreditation by ACHC reflects an organization’s dedication and commitment to meeting standards that facilitate a higher level of performance and patient care. ACHC is a nonprofit organization that has stood as a symbol of quality and excellence since 1986. ACHC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and has CMS deeming authority for Home...

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Care, Homecare, awarded,

Caregiver Appreciation Raffle-November

Winner of our November Caregiver Appreciation Raffle is D---.  She is awarded the Thanksgiving food basket.  She received a wonderful compliment from her client on her ability to anticipate the needs of her client. [caption id="attachment_953" align="alignleft" width="225"] Food Basket[/caption] Winner for educational advances in care care giving.  At Firstlight we value the additional education and effort that all our care givers put into there job.  S--- has worked hard to make a difference in her level of excellence with her additional course work.  Thanks you S---! An additional bonus surprise was a Turkey that was given away for the...

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Care, Homecare, awarded,


Knowing stroke risk factors is half the battle. A stroke, sometimes called a “brain attack,” occurs when blood flow to an area in the brain is cut off. The brain cells, deprived of the oxygen and glucose needed to survive, die. If not caught early, permanent brain damage can result. A stroke can happen to anyone at any time, it doesn’t discriminate between gender, race, or age. The good news, if you know the stroke risk factors, up to 80 percent of them are preventable*. May is Stroke Awareness Month and it’s important to know the risk factors that can...

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More Than Just Book Learning

A young Certified Nursing Assistant has her FirstLight experience to thank for steering her toward a career in nursing. D- had learned a lot about various disorders and conditions in her four years studying neuroscience at the University of Delaware. But the Kinnelon native knew she wanted more hands-on experience actually caring for people with various health problems, so she earned her Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certification one summer during her time off, and after graduating in May 2016, landed a job with FirstLight of Glen Rock. “Boyd and the staff were so friendly right from the start, and they...

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A Caregiver Keeps Her Cool

Home health aide Lateefah Gary wasn’t going to take no for an answer. The elderly woman she was caring for would not let anyone touch her laundry. But Gary knew the woman needed clean clothes, so Gary would empty her hamper into a bag when the woman was in the bathroom, then sneak the bag out, bring the clothes home to wash, then bring them back again. It was just another day on the job for Gary, who was recently named FirstLight’s Caregiver of the Month. “Clients with dementia can be challenging,” says Gary, matter-of-factly, “but I like a challenge.”...

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Like Family

Care Giver of the Month January 2017 Like Family January’s Caregiver of the Month takes care of her patients as if they were related It was Christmas morning and instead of being at home with her own family, Schlinda Reid was helping her patient get dressed and ready for the day. “He was having breakfast with the grandkids and his kids and wife, and they were all just super-happy that I was there so Pop-Pop was able to be up and eating Christmas breakfast with them,” she remembers. “Even though it was a holiday, 365 days a year, there’s always...

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Caregiver, Homecare, Firstlight

A Life Dedicated to Service

A FirstLight “employee of the month” finds joy in caring for others [caption id="attachment_739" align="alignright" width="335"] Caregiver of the Month[/caption] Every day at 5:30 a.m. without fail, Doilet Laylor arrives in Glen Rock, NJ, to take care of Lynn, who has Parkinson’s disease. And even when Laylor took a long-awaited vacation to her home country of Jamaica, she could not stop thinking about the woman she’s cared for for more than two years. “I kept trying to call FirstLight, but the call would not go through from Jamaica,” recalls Laylor. “Finally, I asked my husband to call them from the...

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