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FirstLight Home Care - Using Your Sweet Tooth to Fight Alzheimer’s

Using Your Sweet Tooth to Fight Alzheimer’s

From our Care Blog

Let’s be honest, most of us don’t need a reason to enjoy a milkshake, especially in the summer! Now milkshakes may have gotten even better. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, there is now a milkshake for Alzheimer’s patients. It is estimated that 1 in 8 people over the age of 65 are affected by the disease, which is associated with memory loss, decreased judgment and personality changes. The new milkshake treatment, Axona, which is available by prescription only, provides energy to the brain, providing short-term positive effects in cognition and memory. Whether this is an option...

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FirstLight Home Care - Disaster preparedness for older adults

Disaster preparedness for older adults

From our Care Blog

As nature is hitting us with all forces across the nation; hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, and floods, a key resource for eldercare is an emergency supply kit. Each older adult’s needs and abilities are unique, but every older adult can take important steps to prepare for all kinds of emergencies and put plans in place, even when residing in retirement community. Start by evaluating personal needs when making an emergency plan. A commitment to planning today will help prepare the older adult for any emergency situation. Consider how a disaster might affect your individual needs. • Plan to make it on...

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Featured image for post The doctor is a month?

The doctor is a month?

From our Care Blog

Today we bring you another guest post from eldercare expert Joni Aldrich. This month, she offers suggestions for the post-diagnosis medical waiting. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with an illness, waiting for that next phone call from your doctor or specialist can be agonizing. Here are some ideas to help you prepare for what lies ahead (and that will help that month fly by!). The days and weeks following the diagnosis of a serious illness can be torturous. After the initial shock wears off, most patients and their caregivers are anxious for the next step so that they can begin...

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Featured image for post Home care’s effect on the economy

Home care’s effect on the economy

From our Care Blog

With the deadline to raise the debt ceiling getting closer each day, the economy is at the forefront of the minds of many Americans. The home care industry—and family members providing care for their adult loved ones—has a great impact on the economy. According to a recent report from the AARP Public Policy Institute, the economic impact of home care in 2009 was approximately $450 billion with more than 40 million Americans provided care for an adult family member. Family caregivers face great challenges, balancing jobs with caregiving. In 2009, the average family caregiver was a 49-year-old woman with a...

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Featured image for post Cancer myths can be risky assumptions

Cancer myths can be risky assumptions

From our Care Blog

Another great post by guest blogger Joni Aldrich. This month, Joni addresses common myths associated with cancer. A myth is “an unfounded or false notion.” Although not usually considered dangerous, in the wrong context—such as associated with a cancer diagnosis—myths may lead to serious concerns. All cancers are created equal. With over 100 different types of cancer, don’t believe they are all created equal. Your own body chemistry, stage at the time of diagnosis, and overall health require special consideration in an effective treatment regimen. In The Saving of Gordon: Lifelines to W-I-N Against Cancer, we discuss the four cancer...

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Featured image for post How to hire a caregiver that actually cares

How to hire a caregiver that actually cares

From our Care Blog

As awareness of elder abuse increases, the difficulties of finding and hiring a trustworthy caregiver are brought to light. Many adult children have learned the hard way, as told in a recent LA Times article. The search for the right caregiver is made even more challenging in states like California where caregiver background checks and screenings are not required. Here are a few of the most important things to consider when hiring a caregiver for an elderly loved one: • Decide exactly what you need and write it down. Create a job description that encompasses everything that is important to...

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FirstLight Home Care - Remembering our seniors this 4th of July

Remembering our seniors this 4th of July

From our Care Blog

The Fourth of July holiday is a popular time for friends and family to come together for celebration. While many people look forward to this holiday weekend all summer, seniors can find this time to be especially lonely. Whether their family members live a distance away or their mobility is limited due to health issues, many seniors can end up alone for the holiday. As you plan your Fourth of July celebrations, keep in mind the seniors and other elderly loved ones in your life. If you aren’t able to spend time with them in person, making a quick phone...

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FirstLight Home Care - Now I know my ABC’s…

Now I know my ABC’s…

From our Care Blog

And no, we’re not talking about the alphabet! Many seniors and older adults don’t realize the importance of getting the proper amount of essential vitamins on a daily basis. Did you know that 2/3 of older people admitted to hospitals are undernourished? The elderly are at an especially high risk of malnutrition for reasons such as lack of appetite which can be a result of medications or disability and also reduced food intake because of certain medical conditions. Sometimes, a healthy, balanced diet isn’t enough—vitamin/mineral supplements become necessary as we age. Here’s a brief rundown on some of the most...

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Featured image for post Celebrating Dad this Father's Day

Celebrating Dad this Father's Day

From our Care Blog

Father’s Day is a special day for dads. It’s a day to let them know how much we love them and value their place in our lives. Even if we are all grown up now, father’s day represents our appreciation for all the long talks, late night homework help, summer tree house projects, and Boy Scout meetings or daddy-daughter dances throughout the years. It is important to make your dad feel appreciated on his special day. Here are some fun ideas and gift suggestions for Father’s Day this Sunday: Give him something he is passionate about Give your dad a...

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FirstLight Home Care - Building a winning team against cancer

Building a winning team against cancer

From our Care Blog

Today, we welcome our first guest post from caregiving expert, author and speaker, Joni Aldrich. Here is Joni's advice on how to build a winning team against cancer: The reality is that 4,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every day in the United States. To put that in perspective, that’s the population of my hometown in North Carolina. When these patients and their families hear the words “you have cancer”, they feel exactly the way my husband, Gordon, and I did seven years ago. We didn’t know what to do. The Saving of Gordon: Lifelines to W-I-N Against Cancer contains...

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